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朱屺瞻(1892-1996),1892年生,江苏太仓浏河人。出生商贾大族,初名增均,号起哉,别号二瞻老民,斋名癖斯居、梅花草堂、修竹吾庐、养菖蒲室,日本留学,上海大学教授,上第文史研究馆馆员,上海中国画院画师,西冷印社社员,中国美术家协会顾问、上海美协常务理事,中国书法家协会理事,作品多次在国内和香港、美国、新加坡、德国等展出,曾到美国讲学并为美国旧金山国际机场作画。在上海、北京、南京、成都、广州、深圳和新加坡均办过个展,作品被中国美术馆、广东省博物馆、深圳博物馆、天津艺术博物馆等广为收藏。一九九五年朱屺瞻艺术馆己在上海开馆,出版有《朱屺瞻画展集》、《朱屺瞻百岁画集》、《朱屺瞻画集》、《朱屺瞻画选》、《癖斯居画谈》等,当代著名画家 、美术教育家。工书,擅山水,花卉尤精梅、兰、竹。
- 中文
- English
1892年 | Renchen year, 1-year-old. Born on May 27th, infant name: Zengjun. Ancestral home: Liuhe town, Tiaicang City, Jiangsu Province. The ancestors were all engaged in trade as well as in offering alms;
1892年 | 壬辰,1岁。5月27日生,乳名增钧。祖籍江苏太仓浏河镇。祖辈皆业商,乐善举;
1900年 | Gengzi year, 9-year-old. He started schooling in family school. Influenced by his teacher, he started counterdrawing the models of orchid-bamboo and landscape paintings. The teacher named him Qizhan;
1900年 | 庚子,9岁。入家塾就读。受塾师影响,开始摹写兰竹与山水。塾师赐字屺瞻;
1905年 | Yisi year, 14-year-old. He went to Baoshan county school to study;
1905年 | 乙巳,14岁。入宝山县学堂读书;
1908年 | Wushen year, 17-year-old. He studied in Shanghai Industrial College of the Ministry of Posts and Telegraphs. He kept his passion for painting;
1908年 | 戊申,17岁。入邮传部上海实业学校就读。依然热衷绘画;
1912年 | Renzi year, 21-year-old. He began to learn Western painting and made up his mind to pursue art. In November, he learnt in Shanghai Fine Arts School;
1912年 | 壬子,21岁。开始接触西方绘画并立志从艺,11月入上海图画美术院;
1913年 | Guichou year, 22-year-old. He was employed to teach in Shanghai Fine Arts School, and later worked concurrently as director of the second Correspondence department. He started to study oil painting, pencil sketch and traditional Chinese painting;
1913年 | 癸丑,22岁。受聘执教于上海图画美术院,后兼任函授乙部主任。研究油画、素描及中国画;
1917年 | Dingsi year, 26-year-old. He learned painting from Fujishima Takeji in Kawabata Painting School in Japan;
1917年 | 丁巳,26岁。赴日本留学,进川端美术学校,从藤岛武二学画;
1918年 | Wuwu year, 27-year-old. His oil painting ''Landscape'' was exhibited in the first Suzhou Fine Arts Competition;
1918年 | 戊午,27岁。油画《风景》入选首届苏州美术画赛会展览;
1919年 | Jiwei year, 28-year-old. He recuperated in Liuhe town, studying traditional Chinese painting and oil painting at home, and meanwhile joined ''Tianma Art Association'';
1919年 | 己未,28岁 。浏河养病,居家研习国画与油画,加入“天马画会”;
1924年 | Jiazi year, 33-year-old. His family took refuge in Wusong during warfare between warlords of Zhejiang and Jiangsu. His hometown and all of his collected handwritings and paintings fell to ruin;
1924年 | 甲子,33岁。江浙军阀交战,举家避乱吴淞,浏河老家及藏书藏画全部毁于兵灾;
1925年 | Yichou year, 34-year-old. In April, his works were displayed in Spring Exhibition of Western paintings and shown in ''Exhibition of Tianma Art Association'' in August. In the same year he was elected to be the judge in the second Jiangsu Art Exhibition;
1925年 | 乙丑,34岁。4月,作品参加春季洋画展览。8月,作品参加“天马会美术展览”。当选为第二届江苏美展评委;
1926年 | Bingyin year, 35-year-old. He named himself ''er zhan lao min'' after his father passed away. He rebuilt his homestead, and set up Letian Studio. He was appointed as the secretary of educational research committee of Jiangsu province;
1926年 | 丙寅,35岁。父病故,遂号“二瞻老民”。重建家园,修筑乐天画室。当选为江苏省教育研究会干事;
1927年 | Dingmao year, 36-year-old. Writing at home, he had a large circle of acquaintances, and made good friends with Huang Binhong with whom he often appreciated ancient paintings;
1927年 | 丁卯,36岁。居家作家,朋辈雅集,与黄宾虹交往甚密,常在一起鉴赏品评古画;
1928年 | Wuchen year, 37-year-old. In October, he established ''Yiyuan Painting Research Institute'', together with Wang Jiyuan, Jiang Xiaojian, Li Qiujun, Zhang Chenbo, Pan Yuliang and others;
1928年 | 戊辰,37岁。10月,与王济远、江小鹣、李秋君、张辰伯、潘玉良等创办“艺苑绘画研究所”;
1929年 | Jisi year, 38-year-old. His traditional Chinese paintings ''Chilly Spring'', ''Ink Lotus'', ''Cold Forest'', and oil paintings ''Moiling'', ''Silent lives'' were selected in the first national art exhibition. His oil paintings ''Spring Willow'', ''Pot Flowers'', and ''Moiling'' were displayed in West Lake Expo. Several paintings were exhibited in the first anniversary of the establishment of ''Yiyuan Painting Research Institute''. He made friends with Qi Baishi. ''Yiyuan Painting Collection'' that he edited with Wang Jiyuan, and Pan Yuliang was published;
1929年 | 己巳,38岁。国画《春寒》、《墨荷》、《寒林》,油画《劳苦》、《静物》入选第一届全国美展。油画《春柳》、《盆花》、《劳苦》入选西湖博览会。多幅作品参加艺苑成立一周年美展。与齐白石订交。与王济远、潘玉良主编的《艺苑画集》出版;
1930年 | Gengwu year, 39-year-old. ''Zhu Qizhan Painting Album'' was released by Yiyuan Zhenshang Publishing House;
1930年 | 庚午,39岁 。《朱屺瞻画集》由艺苑真赏社出版发行;
1931年 | Xinwei year, 40-year-old. Zhu Qizhan was engaged and became a council member and professor of Shanghai Xinhua Art School. Presided over Yiyuan painting Research Institute's work and Second Yiyuan Art Show;
1931年 | 辛未,40岁。受聘任上海新华艺术专科学校教授与校董。主持艺苑绘画研究所工作,主办艺苑第二届画展;
1932年 | Renshen year, 41-year-old. Letian Studio in Liuhe town was destroyed in ''1.28'' Songhu Battle. Shortly after the battle, he ran to battlefields to make oil paintings despite of the severe cold and lung disease. In July, he held ''Zhu Qizhan's oil painting show on Songhu Battle''. He tutored in painting research class in Shanghai Xinhua Art School, and built Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage in new Liuhe town;
1932年 | 壬申,41岁。一·二八日军发起淞沪战争,浏河乐天画室被毁。战争甫歇,冒着严寒与肺疾,奔走淞沪各地战场作油画写生。7月,举办“朱屺瞻淞沪战迹油画展”。任新艺专绘画研究班导师。在浏河新镇建“梅花草堂”;
1933年 | Guiyou year, 42-year-old. Several of his works were contributed to ''Art Exhibition Charity Sale for Northeast Army of Volunteers''. He worked with Yang Xiutao and Zhou Bichu to organize Western painting practice and research committee. He held ''Zhu Qizhan's Painting Exhibition'', where more than 60 oil paintings and traditional Chinese paintings were displayed. ''Painting Research Center of Shanghai Xinhua Art School'' to which he contributed money was completed;
1933年 | 癸酉,42岁。以多幅作品参加全国艺术家捐助“东北义勇军作品展览会义卖”。与杨秀涛、周碧初等组织洋画实习研究会。举办“朱屺瞻绘画展览会”。展出油画、国画六十余件。出资营造之“新华艺专绘画研究所”落成;
1934年 | Jiaxu year, 43-year-old. With ''Painting Research Center of Shanghai Xinhua Art School'' officially enrolling students, Zhu acted as director and tutor of research center, teaching traditional Chinese painting and Western painting. Seven of his works were shown in ''the First Exhibition of Yifeng Society''. He contributed money to establish a private free school called ''Small Country School'', and provided ten thousand yuan to set up ''country improvement community'' with He Yuanqi. Raised money to buy books for Shanghai Xinhua Art School, and hosted ''Art Exhibition of Modern Famous Artists''. When he attended the annul meeting of national vocational education in Kaifeng, he continued sketching on the bank of yellow river for several days. And he attended the second art exhibition of Yifeng Society;
1934年 | 甲戌,43岁 。“新华艺专绘画研究所”正式对外招生,亲任研究所主任兼导师,教授国画及西画。作品7幅参加“艺风社第一届展览会”。出资兴办义学“乡村小学校”,并出资万元,与何元奇等创办乡村改进社。为新华艺专筹款购书,发起举办“现代名画家展览会”。应邀去开封出席全国职业教育年会。接连数日在黄河边作油画写生。参加艺风社第二届画展;
1935年 | Yihai year, 44-year-old. He joined the Baishe painting research society founded by Zhu Wenyun, Pan Tianshou and so on;
1935年 | 乙亥,44岁。加入诸闻韵、潘天寿等组织发起的白社画会;
1936年 | Bingzi year, 45-year-old. He, along with Xu Beihong, Wang Yachen and some others, established Mo Society, as well as held the art exhibition of Mo Society. His paintings were displayed in the Third Art Exhibition of Yifeng Society, the Fourth Art Exhibition of the White, and the Art Exhibition of Shanghai Lishe Society. He started to call on his friends to poetize and draw for ''Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage''. When sketching with Pan Tianshou, Jiang Danshu and some others around Fuchun River, he invited them to stay at ''Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage'' in Liuhe;
1936年 | 丙子,45岁 。与徐悲鸿、汪亚尘等发起组织默社画会,举办默社画展。分别参加艺风社第三回展、白社第四届画展、上海力社画展。开始征集道友为“梅花草堂”题诗作画,荟萃一代名家作品,历时数载编集成册。与潘天寿、姜丹书等重游富春江写生,并邀往浏河“梅花草堂”雅集数日;
1937年 | Dingchou year, 46-year-old. He went to Japan for a second time to study fine arts education. Traditional Chinese painting ''Bamboo and Stone'', and oil painting ''Chrysanthemum'' were shown in the Second National Art Exhibition. To prevent masterpieces from being bought by foreigners, he raised money to buy ''Wangdian E'mo Album'', ''Album of Ba Da Shan Ren's Calligraphic and Pictorial Works'' and some others. Shanghai Xinhua Art School was bombed by Japanese Army, and was resumed next year through relocation;
1937年 | 丁丑,46岁。第二次赴日,考察美术教育。国画《竹石图》、油画《菊花》参加第二届全国美展。为保名画不流失海外,筹款购藏石涛《万点恶墨图卷》、《八大山人书画册》等。新华艺专被日军炸毁,翌年迁往新址复学;
1939年 | Yimao year, 48-year-old. Zhu, as well as Chen Baoyi, Qian Zhujiu, Song Zhongyuan, Zhou Bichu, held a joint five-people art exhibition in Shanghai, where his oil paintings including ''Still Life'', and ''Pumpkin and Double Fishes'' were displayed;
1939年 | 己卯,48岁。为陈抱一、钱铸九、宋钟沅、周碧初在沪举办五人联合油画展,有《静物》、《双鱼南瓜》等参展;
1940年 | Gengchen year, 49-year-old. He successively collected and compiled six giant volumes of ''Album on Fan Paintings of Loyal Officials'' for and for two volumes of ''Album on Fan Paintings of Turncoat Officials'';
1940年 | 庚辰,49岁。陆续收集并编辑《忠节扇集》6巨册及《贰臣扇集》2册;
1941年 | Xinsi year, 50-year-old. He composed the article of ''Art and Cultivation''. He together with his painting friends wrote poems and created paintings to allegorize the society;
1941年 | 辛巳,50岁。撰写《艺术与修养》一文。与画友论诗作画讽喻时世;
1942年 | Renwu year, 51-year-old. He created works including ''Album of Noble Character and Exemplary Conduct'' and ''Album of 12 Historic Sites in Taicang''. Shanghai Xinhua Art School were forced to disband;
1942年 | 壬午,51岁。作《高风亮节图卷》、《太仓十二古迹图册》等。新华艺专被迫解散;
1944年 | Jiashen year, 53-year-old. He collected more than 60 pieces of Qi Baishi's seals, completed ''Painting of Baishi's 60-Seal House'', named himself ''a rich man owning Baishi's 60 seals'', concentrated in copying ancient paintings, and produced ''Imitation Volume of Li Liufang's Landscape Paintings'', etc. He admired Wu Zhen and Shen Zhou's painting styles;
1944年 | 甲申,53岁。积齐白石镌印六十余方,作《六十白石印轩图卷》,自号“六十白石印富翁”,潜心临摹古画,作《仿李流芳山水册》等,对吴镇、沈周尤为倾心;
1945年 | Yiyou year, 54-year-old. He joined the new Taicang Society after the Anti-Japanese War's victory. He took the initiative in launching credit loans for college students and providing subsidies for middle school students to support needy students;
1945年 | 乙酉,54岁。抗战胜利,参加新太仓社。倡办大学贷金和中学生助学金,嘉惠贫困学子;
1946年 | Bingxu year, 55-year-old. Shanghai Art Society was founded and he was appointed supervisor. He met Qi Baishi in Shanghai for the first time after ten years of his spiritual friendship with Qi. ''Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage'' was built on Shanghai Taoshachang;
1946年 | 丙戌,55岁。上海美术会成立,当选为监事。与齐白石交十年后初次相晤于沪上。于上海淘砂场修筑“梅花草堂”;
1947年 | Dinghai year, 56-year-old. He was engaged collection commissioner of preparatory department of Shanghai Art Museum, and elected alternate director of Chinese Painting Society;
1947年 | 丁亥,56岁。受聘为上海市美术馆筹备处征集委员。推选为中国画会候补理事;
1949年 | Yichou year, 58-year-old. In May. Shanghai was liberated and Zhu continued painting;
1949年 | 己丑,58岁。5月,上海解放。继续作画不辍;
1950年 | Gengyin year, 59-year-old. He was elected representative of the first Shanghai Culture Meeting and joined New Chinese painting Research Association;
1950年 | 庚寅,59岁。当选为上海市第一次文化会代表。加入新中国画研究会;
1952年 | Renchen year, 61-year-old. Zhu moved out of Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage on Taoshachang. Lots of his oil paintings were left in his friends' home, and were later lost or ruined in the Culture Revolution;
1952年 | 壬辰,61岁。迁出淘砂场梅花草堂。大批油画寄存友人家,后在***中毁失;
1953年 | Guisi year, 62-year-old. He tried sketching more than ten pieces with brush pen when traveling in Beijing. ''Misty Rain'' was shown in the National Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition;
1953年 | 癸巳,62岁。游北京,试作毛笔写生数十幅。《潇湘烟雨》入选全国国画展;
1954年 | Jiawu year, 63-year-old. He joined East China Artist Association, and went to Huangshan mountain to sketch;
1954年 | 甲午,63岁。加入华东美术家协会。赴黄山写生;
1955年 | Yiwei year, 64-year-old. He was engaged as a scholar of Shanghai Culture and History Museum;
1955年 | 乙未,64岁。聘为上海文史馆馆员;
1956年 | Bingshen year, 65-year-old. He was engaged as a painter of Shanghai Chinese Painting Institute;
1956年 | 丙申,65岁。聘为上海中国画院画师;
1957年 | Dingyou year, 66-year-old. He traveled to Sichuan and Shanxi with Qian Shoutie, and created plenty of sketches;
1957年 | 丁酉,66岁。与钱瘦铁远游川陕,沿途考察写生,速写甚多;
1958年 | Wuxu year, 67-year-old. He went sketching in Dongting Dongshan, Qingpu Dianshan Lake and other places;
1958年 | 戊戌,67岁。赴洞庭东山、青浦淀山湖等地写生;
1959年 | Jihai year, 68-year-old. He sketched in Shanghai western suburb, Shanghai No.5 Steel Works and other places, and moved out to Julu Road;
1959年 | 己亥,68岁。至上海西郊、上钢五厂等处写生。迁居巨鹿路;
1960年 | Gengzi year, 69-year-old. He sketched in Jinggang Mountain, Zhejiang Simingshan Mountain and other places;
1960年 | 庚子,69岁。赴井冈山、浙江四明山等地写生;
1961年 | Xinchou year, 70-year-old. He went sketching in Jiading, Dongting Dongshan, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and other places. ''Rhododendrons'' and other two works were displayed in Shanghai Flower-and-Bird Painting Exhibition;
1961年 | 辛丑,70岁。至嘉定、洞庭东山、杭州、广州等地写生。《杜鹃花》等3幅作品参加上海花鸟画展;
1962年 | Renyin year, 71-year-old. He conducted ''Zhu Qizhan Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition'' in Shanghai Art Museum, with more than 130 works exhibited. In October, his solo exhibition was held in Nanjing Art Museum of Jiangsu province. He went sketching in Zhejiang Tianmu Mountian;
1962年 | 壬寅,71岁。在上海美术馆举办“朱屺瞻国画展”,展出国画一百三十多件。10月,个人画展应邀赴南京江苏省美术馆展出。赴浙江天目山写生;
1963年 | Guimao year, 72-yer-old. He was invited to hold solo exhibition in Xi'an and sketched in Zhejiang, Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, Nanjing and other places;
1963年 | 癸卯,72岁。个人画展应邀赴西安展出。赴浙江、镇江、扬州、南京等地写生;
1964年 | Jiachen year, 73-year-old. He traveled around Wuxi with his fellow craftsmen, and took part in The Forth National Art Exhibition. He, along with Wang Geyi, Lin Fengmian and Tang Yuntong, went to Jingde town to experience the real life there, painting over ten pieces of ceramics and hanging basins;
1964年 | 甲辰,73岁。与画院同仁游无锡。参加第四届全国美展。与王个簃、林风眠、唐云同赴景德镇深入生活,绘瓷器挂盆数十件;
1965年 | Yisi year, 74-year-old. He visited Jiaxing Nanhu Lake and made more than 10 sketches;
1965年 | 乙巳,74岁。游嘉兴南湖,作速写数十幅;
1966年 | Bingwu year, 75-year-old. At the beginning of the year he painted landscape and flower paintings. When the Culture Revolution began, he was forced to stop drawing and hand in all his seals engraved by Qi Baishi;
1966年 | 丙午,75岁。岁初,作山水花卉。“***”开始,被迫停笔。自用齐白石镌印全部上交;
1972年 | Renzi year, 81-year-old. He was permitted to live home. He resumed painting secretly, and went sketching in Zhongshan Park, painting flower-and-bird volumes. Qian Juntao cut seals for him;
1972年 | 壬子,81岁。1971年起允许居家。开始悄悄作画,去中山公园写生,作花鸟册页等。钱君匋为之治印;
1973年 | Guichou year, 82-year-old. He concentrated in copying ancient masterpieces for three years, and he had copied more than 50 such works;
1973年 | 癸丑,82岁。潜心临摹历代名画,持续3年,积五十余件;
1976年 | Bingchen year, 85-year-old. He created ''Riverside Village after Rain Stop'', ''In the Depth of Lotus Pond'' and splash-ink landscape paintings;
1976年 | 丙辰,85岁。作《江村雨霁图》、《藕花深处图》及泼彩山水等;
1977年 | Dingsi year, 86-year-old. He painted 12 pages of ''Brief Description of Random Thoughts'' which were evaluated as philosophical painting. He was invited to paint for Beijing Hotel and Capital Airport, and climbed Badaling for a second time;
1977年 | 丁巳,86岁。完成《浮想小写》12页,评者称之为哲理画。应邀为北京饭店和首都机场作画,二度登上八达岭;
1978年 | Wuwu year, 87-year-old. His stone seals engraved by Qi Baishi which were captured at the beginning of the Culture Revolution were returned to him, and he made the painting of ''Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage'' in memory of this event. He created splash-ink landscape paintings including ''Setting Sun after Rain'';
1978年 | 戊午,87岁。“***”初期收缴之齐白石刻石印发还,作《梅花草堂图》纪念。作泼色山水《雨后斜阳》等;
1979年 | Jiwei year, 88-year-old. He was invited to create the giant ''Red Plum'' for the Great Hall of the People. He was engaged as scholar of Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting under Ministry of Culture, and community member and guest painter of Xiling Publishing House;
1979年 | 己未,88岁。应邀赴北京为***作巨幅《红梅图》。聘为文化部中国画研究组成员。聘为西泠印社社员及特约画师;
1980年 | Gengshen year, 89-year-old. ''Zhu Qizhan Album'' was published by Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House. He drew ''Landscape of Taihu Lake'' again, and created oil paintings including ''Landscape'' and ''Still Life'';
1980年 | 庚申,89岁。《朱屺瞻画集》由上海人民美术出版社出版。重绘《太湖风光图卷》,作油画《风景》与《静物》等;
1981年 | Xinyou year, 90-year-old. ''Zhu Qizhan's Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition'', was held in Shanghai, Nanjing, Chengdu, and Beijing successively, which echoed with great success. ''Talks on Painting at Pisiju Residence'', a discourse on his painting experience, was published by Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House. He was engaged as visiting professor of East China Normal University and fine arts counselor of Shanghai Jiaotong University. In June, he was invited to Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and painted large-sized ''Peony'' and ''Bamboo and Stone''. In October, he visited Beijing again to attend the conference on the founding of Chinese Painting Institute of Beijing. He was elected as the managing director of Shanghai Artists' Association;
1981年 | 辛酉,90岁。“朱屺瞻国画展”先后在上海、南京、成都、北京举行,激起巨大反响。谈艺录《癖斯居画谭》由上海人民美术出版社出版。聘为华东师范大学兼职教授及上海交通大学美术顾问。6月应邀赴北京***国宾馆作巨幅《牡丹图》、《竹石图》。10月再次赴北京参加中国画研究院成立大会。当选为上海美术家协会常务理事;
1982年 | Renxu year, 91 years old. Zhu Qizhan Chinese Painting Exhibition was held in Guangzhou. The movie ''Artist Zhu Qizhan'' was completed by Shanghai Animation Film Studio. He was made standing director of Shanghai Calligraphers' Association. He donated six Chinese paintings to National Art Museum of China; 33 works of art to Shanghai Art Museum; 8 paintings to Taicang People's Government. Nominated by the government of San Francisco, US, he created a large painting ''Grapes'' for San Francisco International Airport. One of his splash-ink paintings was exhibited at Paris Spring Salon Show in France in 1982. He restarted the creation of oil paintings, including the works depicting the scenery of water villages in Jiangnan. He participated in paintings and calligraphy sale for charity and donated the raised funds to Children's Foundation of China;
1982年 | 壬戌,91岁。朱屺瞻国画展在广州举行。电影《画家朱屺瞻》由上海美术电影制片厂摄制完成。当选为上海书法家常务理事。国画6幅捐赠中国美术馆;作品33幅捐赠上海美术馆;作品8幅捐赠太仓县人民政府。应美国旧金山市政府提议,为该市国际机场作巨幅《葡萄图》。泼色山水一幅入选法国1982年春季沙龙美展。重新开始油画创作,有江南水乡风光等。参与书画义卖,捐赠中国少年儿童福利基金会;
1983年 | Guihai, 92 years old. On a spring day, he created oil paintings, inscribed the tablet for Momiao Pavilion rebuilt by Taicang County and donated a painting of ''Narcissus''. In July, he was invited and attended the ceremony for the completion of San Francisco International Airport and the unveiling ceremony for his painting ''Grapes'', and went to Yunnan for sketching after returning to China. His paintings of ''Orchid, Bamboo and Stone'' and ''Peony'' were collected by Tianjin Municipal Art Museum. He made calligraphic work ''On Books'' and created paintings of ''Jiangnan in March'', ''Splash-ink Yellow Mountain'', ''Stooping to Feed Horned Owl'' and ''Scholar Reading Book'' and 12 sketches of flowers and fruits. He made oil paintings including ''Red Plum in Ancient Vase'', ''Wuyi Jiuqu'', ''Seaside'' and ''Loquat and Ancient Statue'';
1983年 | 癸亥,92岁。春日,居家作油画,为太仓县重建墨妙亭题匾并赠《水仙》一幅。7月应邀赴美参加旧金山国际机场落成典礼和《葡萄图》揭幕典礼,归国后赴云南写生。《兰花竹石图》、《牡丹图》为天津市艺术博物馆收藏。作书法《论书卷》,并画《江南三月图》、《泼色黄山》、《蹲鸱助加餐》、《进士读书图》以及花果册12幅。作油画《古瓶红梅》、《武夷九曲》、《海边》、《枇杷与古造像》等;
1984年 | Jiazi year, 93 years old. ''Zhu Qizhan Art Exhibition'' was staged in Shenzhen. He donated 14 landscape and flower paintings to Shanghai Art Museum. The work of ''Strong Spring Tints on the Land'' won the honorary award of the 6th National Art Exhibition. He donated a painting to China Welfare Fund for the Handicapped. In Conghua Hot Spring, he created 24 large paintings of ''Cash Drawing'' on flowers. He went with Shanghai CPPCC artists' Sichuan-visiting group to Sichuan for sketching and sightseeing;
1984年 | 甲子,93岁。深圳举办“朱屺瞻画展”。山水花卉作品14件捐赠上海博物馆。山水《大地春意浓》获第六届全国美展荣誉奖。为中国残疾人福利基金会捐赠作品一幅。在从化温泉,作《漫笔纵横》花卉巨册24图。随上海市政协画室访川团赴四川写生观光;
1985年 | Yichou year, 94 years old. He was invited to paint at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Upon invitation, he created two paintings including ''Pine, Stone and Plum'' for the People's Hall. He donated two works of art to support the disaster relief for Africa refugees. Shanghai University engaged him as its visiting professor. In the same year he was engaged as director of Friends of Heritage program. He was awarded the title of ''honorary member'' of Shanghai Red Cross Society. His sole exhibition was held in Hong Kong Exhibition Center;
1985年 | 乙丑,94岁。应邀去***国宾馆作画。应邀为***作《松石梅》等2幅。为赈济非洲灾民捐画2幅。上海大学聘为兼职教授。同年聘为文物之友理事。上海市红十字会授予“荣誉会员”称号。香港展览中心举办个人画展;
1986年 | Bingyin year, 95 years old. He was invited to lecture at New York, Houston and other cities in US. ''Zhu Qizhan Chinese Painting Exhibition'' was held in Shanghai and Beijing. He was rated as one of ''1986 Shanghai People in Cultural News''. ''Zhu Qizhan Chronicle'' was released by Shanghai Literature & Art Publishing House. He donated money and paintings to Children's Fund of China. Swedish TV station and Brazilian TV station made documentaries on him. He donated ''Painting of Finger Citron and Plum Blossom'' to the efforts in renovating Venice and Great Wall. He created a large painting of ''Ink Blossom'';
1986年 | 丙寅,95岁。应邀赴美国纽约、休斯敦等地讲学。《朱屺瞻国画展》在上海、北京举行。被评为1986年度上海文化新闻人物。《朱屺瞻年谱》由上海书画出版社出版。向中国少年儿童福利基金会捐款捐画。瑞典电视台与巴西电视台分别为之拍摄录像。作《佛手梅花图》捐助维修威尼斯和修复长城。作巨幅《墨竹图卷》;
1987年 | Dingmao year, 96 years old. His 95th Birthday Solo Exhibition was staged in Shenzhen. He created the 2.4-zhang-long large paintings of ''Ink Plum'', ''Ink Orchid'' and ''Chrysanthemum''. His oil painting ''Pacific Ocean'' was shown at China Oil Painting Exhibition;
1987年 | 丁卯,96岁。在深圳举办95岁个人画展。作二丈四尺《墨梅》、《墨兰》及《菊花》巨卷。油画《太平洋》参加“中国油画展”;
1988年 | Wuchen, 97 years old. He donated a painting ''Qing Gong'' for sale to support the effort for renovating Great Wall. He donated the painting of ''Mountainous Village in Autumn'' to Shanghai Award for Preschool, Primary and Secondary School Teachers. He was invited to conduct his solo exhibition at National Museum of Singapore. He was engaged as honorary president of Shanghai Aesthetic Education Society. His painting of ''Grapes'' won an award at Beijing International Ink Painting Exhibition. He redrew ''Ink Chrysanthemum'', part of the 2.4-zhang-long painting of ''Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum'';
1988年 | 戊辰,97岁。为修复长城捐赠《清供图》一幅义拍。作《山村秋色图》捐助上海中小学幼儿教师基金。应邀赴新加坡国家博物院举办个人画展。聘为上海美育学会名誉会长。北京国际水墨画展《葡萄图》获奖。重绘梅兰竹菊二丈四尺巨卷中的《墨菊图卷》;
1989年 | Jisi year, 98-year-old. He painted at home and prepared for his Centennial Art Exhibition. He was engaged as art counselor of Shanghai Art Museum;
1989年 | 己巳,98岁。居家创作,筹备百岁画展。聘为上海美术馆艺术顾问;
1990年 | Gengwu, 99 years old. In March, ''Zhu Qizhan Centennial Art Exhibition'' was opened in Shanghai Art Museum. Zhu Qizhan Centennial Art Exhibition was held in Hong Kong in April and in Taicang in October. Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore Press launched ''Centennial Paintings - Biography of Art Master Zhu Qizhan''. Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House released ''Zhu Qizhan Centennial Painting Album''. Hong Kong-based Chung Hwa Book Co Ltd published the large album of ''Contemporary Chinese Painting Master - Zhu Qizhan''. He was engaged as honorary president of Wu Changshuo Arts Research Society and adviser of Taicang Museum. He drew 10 pictures of flowers, vegetables and fruits, and Yixing sand-fired pot-making masters created 10 sets of sand pots based on his pictures. He presented a Chinese painting to 90 Shanghai Art Festival; donated a calligraphic work to the 11th Asian Games; inscribed for the 30th anniversary for the founding of Shanghai Municipal Archives. He donated a calligraphic work to stele forest at Yingzhou West Lake;
1990年 | 庚午,99岁。3月,“朱屺瞻百岁画展”在上海美术馆隆重开幕。4月、10月,朱屺瞻百岁画展分别在香港、太仓隆重展出。上海三联书店出版《世纪丹青-艺术大师朱屺瞻传》。上海人民美术出版社出版《朱屺瞻百岁画集》。香港中华书局出版《当代中国画名家朱屺瞻》大型画集。聘为吴昌硕研究会名誉会长、太仓县博物馆顾问。绘花卉蔬果小品10幅,由宜兴紫砂壶名家高手特制十套艺术紫砂壶传世。为90上海艺术节赠国画一幅。为第十一届亚运会捐赠书法一件。为上海档案馆建馆30周年题词一幅。为颖州西湖碑林作书法一件;
1991年 | Xinwei year, 100-year-old. He was granted the outstanding contribution awards at the first Shanghai Literary and Arts Awards. The landscape painting ''Silent Pines'' won the honorary award at Shanghai Fine Arts Exhibition. He donated the painting ''Flowers'' for flood relief efforts. The Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage was completed in Liuhe Town, Taicang County. He donated 20,000 yuan as a scholarship to Taicang Mingde Primary School;
1991年 | 辛未,100岁。获首届上海文学艺术杰出贡献奖。山水《松本无声图》上海美术作品展获荣誉奖。为抗洪救灾捐赠《花卉》一幅。太仓县浏河镇重建梅花草堂落成。向太仓明德小学捐赠奖学金两万元;
1992年 | Renshen year, 101-year-old. He drew pictures at home, and sketched at the botanic garden, Longhua Temple, and Qiuxia Garden. He was engaged as honorary counselor of the Art Commission of the 11th Asian Games Art Exhibition, and counselor of Xiling Publishing House. He created ''Cypress'' for Song Qingling Cemetery on invitation. He also drew 24 pieces of landscape paintings;
1992年 | 壬申,101岁。居家创作,去植物园、龙华寺、秋霞圃写生。聘为第十一届亚运会书画展艺术委员会荣誉顾问。聘为西泠印社顾问。应邀为***陵园作《柏翠图》一幅。作大山水册24幅等;
1993年 | Guiyou year, 102-year-old. He created home, and donated a divided type of 30×130CM landscape painting to the 11th Asian Games, and ''Calabashes'' to Art Museum of Jiangsu province, and cooperated a eight chi traditional Chinese painting;
1993年 | 癸酉,102岁。居家创作。为第十一届亚运会捐赠四尺对开山水一幅。合作八尺国画一幅。《葫芦图》一幅捐赠江苏省美术馆;
1994年 | Jiaxu year, 103-year-old. He created home. In January, Hong Kong Art Museum held ''Zhu Qizhan Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition from Zhanyuantang's Collection'', and two volumes of ''Zhu Qizhan Calligraphy and Painting Works from Zhanyuantang's Collection'' were released. The People 's government of Hongkou district started to build Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, with the contract signed on April 30th, and the project broken earth on September 1st . His ''Loquats'' was stored in the general office of National People's Congress. And he was engaged as visiting professor of Oriental Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute of Nanjing University;
1994年 | 甲戌,103岁。居家创作。1月,香港艺术馆举办“瞻缘堂藏朱屺瞻书画展”,并出版《瞻缘堂藏朱屺瞻书画选》大型画集2册。上海市虹口区人民政府开始筹建朱屺瞻艺术馆,4月30日签约,9月1日破土动工。全国人大办公厅收藏《枇杷图》一幅。聘为南京大学东方书画研究中心兼职教授;
1995年 | Yihai year, 104 years old. In February, The British Museum launched ''Modern Chinese Painting---Zhu Qizhan's Art'' exhibition. The 105-copy limited edition of ''Chunjiang Lianhai (River in Spring Flowing to Sea)'' was published. The 105-copy limited edition of ''Album of Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage'' was released by Shanghai People's Fine Arts Publishing House. On May 5, Zhu Qizhan Art Museum was completed. ''Zhu Qizhan 105th Birthday Art Exhibition'' was staged. ''Again Spring Wind Blows'' won the honorary award of the 8th National Art Exhibition Shanghai Section. On May 24, he made a ''Painting of Ink Bamboo'' at Plum Blossom Thatched Cottage, part of Zhu Qizhan Art Museum, and donated this work to the art museum. In July, San Francisco-based Asian Art Museum hosted ''Zhu Qizhan Art Exhibition''. In the same month, he was hit by mild cerebral thrombosis and sent to Huadong Hospital for treatment;
1995年 | 乙亥,104岁。2月,英国大英博物馆举办“当代中国画—朱屺瞻的艺术”展览。《春江连海》有限印刷105幅出版发行。《梅花草堂集册》有限印刷105册由上海人民美术出版社出版发行。5月5日,朱屺瞻艺术馆落成。“朱屺瞻百又五岁画展”隆重举行。《春风又绿江南岸》获第八届全国美展上海展荣誉奖。5月24日,在朱屺瞻艺术馆梅花草堂作《墨竹图》一幅,留赠艺术馆。7月,美国旧金山亚洲美术博物馆举办“朱屺瞻画展”。同月,因轻度脑血栓入华东医院治疗;
1996年 | Bingzi year, 105 years old. On spring days, he made ink sketches on his sickbed and created small Chinese paintings including ''Loquat''. At 8:45 on the morning of April 20, he died of acute left heart failure arising from lung infection at the age of 105 in Huadong Hospital. On April 29, Shanghai people from all walks of life braved the rain to mourn Mr. Zhu Qizhan at Longhua Funeral Home. On May 5, Zhu Qizhan Art Museum held Zhu Qizhan Art Museum's Works Exhibition. On July 29, Mr. Zhu's ashes were buried at Qingpu Overseas Chinese Cemetery. Representatives of Shanghai arts circle and Mr. Zhu's friends and relatives attended the funeral;
1996年 | 丙子,105岁。春日,在病榻作小幅墨笔速写,并作《枇杷》等小幅国画。4月20日晨8时45分,因肺部感染,急性左心衰竭,在华东医院逝世,享年105岁。4月29日,上海各界冒雨至龙华殡仪馆为朱屺瞻先生送行。5月5日,朱屺瞻艺术馆举办朱屺瞻艺术馆藏画展。7月29日,屺老骨灰安葬青浦园华侨公墓。上海美术界代表及屺老生前亲朋好友参加安葬仪式;